Grain Free Granola (GF)

Grain Free granola parfait.jpg

This is definitely become a staple in our house recently as we love granola and after not making it being grain-free, I needed an alternative and this was definitely a great place to start! I make it for the week and keep a large container in the fridge to sprinkle on yogurt, my creamy breakfast squash recipe or even have as a grab-and-go snack. The kiddos love this as well so its been fun to have as a snack!

The easiest granola you ever did make and really you don’t have to stick to the nuts I’ve listed here but can use whatever you have and get creative with the types of nuts and seeds. As long as you have a binder, like dates, you’re set to create this granola!

I also added this to m own homemade yogurt recipe! Layer with fruit and granola and viola, parfait!

That being said, let’s get to the recipe!


  • 1 cup walnuts

  • 1/3 cup almonds

  • 1/3 cup cashews

  • 6 pitted dates

  • Vanilla Extract

  • Pinch Sea Salt

  • 1/2 cup coconut flakes


GRain Free granola parfait 3.jpg
  1. Preheat oven to 350. Add nuts to blender or food processor along with sea salt, coconut flakes and dates. Blend until dates are blended in and add in a pinch of sea salt and blends a few more seconds until mixture is blended.

  2. Line baking sheet with parchment paper. Spread mixture on to baking pan and make sure it is evenly distributed. It’s ok if there are a few full nut pieces or chunks where the dates were blended with the nuts.

  3. Bake at 350 for about 3-4 minutes then mix it up so that all sides get browned a bit. Bake for another 4-5 minutes.

  4. Remove from heat and let set until cool. Store in airtight container in fridge or on counter.

I hope you enjoy this! I’ve done so many variations with different nuts and seeds and its always a hit for the family! Sprinkle on your yogurt, salad or anything you want an extra crunch! It can also be eaten alone, which is a favorite of my kiddos!

Leave a comment and let me know how you liked it or TAG me on Instagram @AngieReneeWellness with your creation!

Have a healthy day!

