Warm Kale and Roots Salad (GF) (Vegan)

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE me some WARM salads in the winter! Especially on these dreary, cold winter days when you need color to light up your insides! This one is packed with nutrients, omega 3 fats, plant protein, lots of vitamins and minerals and will keep you feeling satisfied for hours!

Not only is my goal with recipes to create something that will tastes good, but be filling, vibrant and make you glow from the inside out. I want the outside to look like your inside feels and with loading your diet with plants, you’re guarneed to probably feel better than ever before.

I know plants have changed my life from my hormones to my gut health and its also the one thing that has made my skin absolutely glow most of my life. I can absolutely feel when I go a week or so without a lot a plants and notice how different my skin looks and feels. It’s the key to longevity and healthy aging for sure!

This I kind of stumbled upon as I tried to create a recipe that was loaded with color, while using leftovers and while keeping it very warm and cozy for wintertime.

Feel free to mix up the kale or any of the veggies frankly, with what you have at home in your fridge. I always encourage everyone to find what works for them and USE WHAT YOU HAVE to avoid waste.

Lets get to the recipe, shall we?


  • 1 can cooked lentils BPA free (rinsed) Westbrae is a go-to if I don’t have time to do soaked lentils.

  • 1 bunch Dino Kale (rinsed and sliced)

  • 1/4 cup chopped red onion

  • 1/2 cup chopped, cooked red beets

  • 1 cup mixed cabbage

  • 1 cup red chopped cabbage


  • 1/4 cup tahini

  • 2 tbsp dijon mustard

  • pinch sea salt

  • 1/2 cup cold water

  • 2 tsp honey or maple syrup

  • 2 roasted garlic cloves (chopped)


  1. The first thing I like to do after rinsing the veggies is blanch the kale. This breaks down the fibers and really cleans it well. Boil water and submerge the kale leaves for about 2 min on boil. Then take ice and dump the ice into the boiling water to preserve the color. Remove the kale, chop it and set it in a large bowl.

  2. Second, peel and dice your sweet potatoes. Bake @ 400 for about 20 minutes with your unpeeled garlic cloves to make life easy on yourself. Remove from oven and set aside to cool. Unpeel and chop your garlic cloves.

  3. Rinse the cooked lentils in a strainer to get all the extra juice out. Chop your red onion and beets. If you don’t have cooked beets, boil them for about 20 minutes until slightly soft and remove the peel. Chop from there. Chop mixed cabbage (I love the pre-bagged organic Trader Joes bag). Finally rinse and chop your purple cabbage.

  4. Combine all ingredients into a large bowl and add dressing and continue to mix with hands or utinsils.

  5. Make you dressing and set it aside. Mix all the above ingredients well and wait until salad is ready to eat to pour over dressing.

I hope you enjoy the recipe! if you try it, comment below or follow me and TAG me @angiereneewellness on Instagram!