Low carb / Low Sugar Hot Cocoa


I LOVE hot cocoa and especially with marshmallows or whipped topping! I mean, come on! What I don’t like is all the added sugar and I love to make my own twist that I at least feel like I’m consuming and getting some benefit and this is the recipe I created to create that balance.

It really does takes so thick and creamy, you’ll never miss your Swiss Miss and knowing this is low in sugar and carbs AND provides all the benefits of antioxidant rich cacao, you may as well drink you second cup!

Yes, I even advise you CAN add your marshmallows!

I’m a huge fan of cacao powder and love adding to my smoothies, oats, and drinks. It’s a great way to get a chocolate fix and take in the benefits of the rich polyphenols! What does that mean?

Well, let’s first start by saying polyphenols can not only be found in vegetables and fruits but also in chocolate and wine! Woo hoo!

Some of the benefits include:

  • reduced inflammation, better blood flow, lower blood pressure and improved cholesterol and blood sugar levels

  • enhanced function of your blood vessels and reduce blood pressure

  • Flavanol-rich cocoa improves the level of nitric oxide in your blood, which relaxes and dilates your arteries and blood vessels and improves blood flow

  • Improved mood and symptoms of depression. one study from the  University of Helsinki

  • showed chocolate consumption and stress levels in pregnant women found that more frequent intake of chocolate was associated with reduced stress and improved mood in babies

  • Regulating the use of energy, reducing appetite and inflammation and increasing fat oxidation and feelings of fullness

  • May help control Type 2 Diabetes

Looking at all of these benefits, I hope you’re ready to sip away to your health!


  • 2 tbsp unsweetened cacao powder

  • 1 1/2 cup almond milk

  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon

  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg

  • 1 tsp coconut sugar

*Optional 1 scoop Unsweetened Collagen Powder


Bring almond milk to low boil in saucepan. Add in cacao, cinnamon, collagen, nutmeg, vanilla, and coconut sugar. Let continue to simmer/low boil while stirring until completely blended. Pour into mug and top with your favorite marshmallows or whipped topping! Enjoy!